From the North: Take I-75 South to the Nicholas Road exit. Take a right on Nicholas Road. Follow it for approximately 1 and ¼ miles (past the railroad tracks) and the golf course is on the left off Nicholas Road. (The Humane Society is on the right). If coming south on State Route 49 (Salem Avenue), take the Trotwood Connector south to US Route 35 East. Take US Route 35 to Gettysburg Avenue. Make a right on Gettysburg to Nicholas Road (approximately ¾ of a mile). Make a left on Nicholas Road for approximately 1 and ¼ miles. The course will be on the right off Nicholas Road. The Humane Society is on the left. If you pass the railroad tracks you have gone too far.
From the South: Take I-75 North to the Nicholas Road exit. Make a left onto Nicholas Road. Follow it for approximately 1 and ¾ miles (past the railroad tracks) and the golf course is on the left off Nicholas Road. The Humane Society is on the right.
From the West: Take US Route 35 East to Gettysburg Avenue. Make a right on Gettysburg to the second intersection (Nicholas Road.). Take a left on Nicholas Road for approximately 1 and ¼ mile. The course will be on the right off Nicholas Road. The Humane Society is on the left. If you pass the railroad tracks you have gone too far.
From the East: Take State Route 35 West to I-75 South. Take I-75 South to the Nicholas Road exit. Take a right on Nicholas Road. Follow it for approximately 1 and ¼ miles (past the railroad tracks) and the golf course is on the left off Nichols Road. The Humane Society is on the right.